Magical Emotion Ride

A real life poem by: Kim Colquitt

Careless actions creating drained lifeless emotions.
Daydreaming about a quick fix or magical potion.
If only a click of ones heels would bring it forth,
perhaps brought to me by Snow White or one of her seven dwarfs.
Haha wouldn’t that be a comical sight!
I wouldn’t resist or even put up a fight.
Carry me off to your far away land.
I am sure it is by far more magical and grand.
This world in which I roam and see…
Just keeps raining down more misery on me.
Yes, one could argue I bring it upon myself all on my own.
“But when will it stop?” I would go on to moan.
Working like a slave everday that goes by,
with nothing to show but a tear in my eye..
Drained of every ounce of energy…
one might think my life would make a very interesting documentary.
If you read the pages about my life in a book,
you most definitely would end up becoming completely hooked.
My life could be seen on cable as a Lifetime Mini Series.
Each fan coming up with their opinion or personal theory.
Laughing hysterically is all I can do at this point.
If I did drugs then I would have to roll one up and smoke a joint.
If I drank I would have to ask for a double.
I don’t do either however, I prefer to stay out of trouble.
For now I find comfort in writing my thoughts.
Hoping to entertain you at the moment because it’s all that I’ve got.
Too be continued this story won’t end….
Good bye for now. Hugs and Kisses to all of you my friends.

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